dimecres, 10 de febrer del 2010

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De la foto ençà no només ha canviat el material escolar. El món de l'ensenyament evoluciona constantment en tots els àmbits d'actuació. Evidentment no parlo de política ni de calendaris escolars, cosa que es podria tractar en una altra entrada si en tingués ganes però no en tinc. El que avui us vull explicar és tota una altra cosa.
M’han passat un article sobre la producció lliure de textos tant escrits com orals del professor Christopher Humphris, presentat a Roma l’any passat en el 17è Seminari internacional per a professors de llengua. Segur que tots recordem aquells inicis de curs amb un paper blanc al davant i el temut tema: “Les vacances”. Per sort la manera d’aconseguir que els alumnes escriguin o parlin de les vacances o de qualsevol altre tema no només ha canviat, sinó que es poden obtenir resultats molt més satisfactoris per a l’alumne, i també per al professor.
(Si en comptes de continuar amb el rotllo teòric voleu una cosa una mica més divertida, podeu llegir la narració que vaig publicar en aquest blog Tornem a començar, el setembre de 2008 -perdoneu però l'enllaç no se'm publica correctament-. I si voleu anar i tonar, jo continuo.)
Deia que també és satisfactori per al professor perquè les redaccions produïdes per alumnes que han escrit envoltats d’aquest mètode són molt més interessants, més riques, més viscudes.
Tot i que la glotodidàctica és una ciència teoricopràctica per a l’ensenyament de llengües estrangeres, té alguns aspectes interessants que he pogut aplicar a les meves classes. És molt gratificant comprovar que després de disset anys ensenyant llengua (crec que ja he comentat alguna vegada que sóc professora de català), encara aprens tècniques per millorar l’aprenentatge dels alumnes, per arribar-hi millor, per connectar amb ells. He posat en pràctica fer la classe amb els alumnes asseguts en semicercle, treballant primer individualment i després per parelles que van variant al llarg de l’exercici. Així s’obliguen a escoltar la proposta de l’altre a rebutjar la pròpia o, al contrari, a haver de defensar-la. Canvi de parella. El nou company pensa com jo: salvats! O el meu company pensa com el que acaba de marxar: em replantejo seriosament l’opció que he triat. L’ambient és distès, els alumnes riuen, però sobretot aprenen i, encara més, retenen aspectes que altrament haurien estat un exercici de tants fet i corregit, entès o no del tot, però que gairebé segur hauria passat inadvertit. I tot plegat aplicat a l’àrid tema dels pronoms febles que segur que tots heu patit alguna vegada. El grau de satisfacció per totes dues bandes és altíssim. A la classe següent reclamen tornar-hi. Però aquell dia tu has d’explicar sociolingüística. Saps, però, que ho esperen i un altre dia hi tornarem.
Això és només un tast. Aprofundir en aquest aspecte promet molt i la veritat és que tinc moltes ganes d’aprendre’n. Us ho aniré explicant.
Etiquetes de comentaris: ensenyament, reflexions
101 Comentaris:
Potser els mètodes són molt bons i molt més útils que els d'abans, però això de glotodidàctica no sona massa bé...
Esperaré que n'expliquis més coses a veure si ho entenc millor.
Esperaré que n'expliquis més coses a veure si ho entenc millor.
Doncs una amics mestres em diuen que cada cop els joves de 15 a 18 anys escriuen pitjor. Es veu que escriuen unes coses que fan por. El problema d'on ve? De la ESO? de la primària? és complicat suposo
Nimue, prepara't: qualsevol dia aparec a la teva classe i et munto una sessió de dramatització per als teus alumnes no catalanoparlants. Ja veuràs quin resultat! Bon viatge!!!! (Em moro de l'enveja)
Xexu, que si de paraules estranyes es tracta els bioquímics us emporteu la palma... Bromes a part, té la mateixa composició que poliglota, simplement vol dir didàctica de la llengua. Petons.
Tenen raó, Estrip, de debò. I certament és complicat. Mai un problema té una única causa, però està clar que la societat ha evolucionat molt cap al món audiovisual i això no afavoreix ni la lectura ni l'escriptura.
Xexu, que si de paraules estranyes es tracta els bioquímics us emporteu la palma... Bromes a part, té la mateixa composició que poliglota, simplement vol dir didàctica de la llengua. Petons.
Tenen raó, Estrip, de debò. I certament és complicat. Mai un problema té una única causa, però està clar que la societat ha evolucionat molt cap al món audiovisual i això no afavoreix ni la lectura ni l'escriptura.
Estic d'acord amb la Nimue. Engrescar és la paraula màgica. Un post molt interesant. Un petó, FADA.
A mi se'm feien molt pesades, les redaccions de principi de curs... era un "oh, no"... Però això de fer debat, interacconar i coses així sempre feien les classes més disteses. Tot i així, seguirem passant per aquí a veure com evoluciona aquest mètode tan transgressor!
Jordicine, et puc ben assegurar que ho estic aconseguint: es nota a la cara dels alumnes. Un petó.
Laia, aquest mètode no és pas nou, ja té uns quants anys, el que passa és que jo l'estic descobrint ara i em va molt bé! Espero que els teus exàmens t'hagin anat bé, també a tu!
Laia, aquest mètode no és pas nou, ja té uns quants anys, el que passa és que jo l'estic descobrint ara i em va molt bé! Espero que els teus exàmens t'hagin anat bé, també a tu!
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Bismarck secured a number of German colonial possessions during the 1880s in Africa and the Pacific, but he never considered an overseas colonial empire valuable; Germany's colonies remained badly undeveloped. However they excited the interest of the religious-minded, who supported an extensive network of missionaries.
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Angevin empire as part of the Montlouis settlement; from then onwards, most observers regarded John as Henry II's favourite child, although he was the furthest removed in terms of the royal succession.[22] Henry II began to find more lands for John, mostly at various nobles' expense. In 1175 he appropriated the estates of the late Earl of Cornwall and gave them to John.[22] The following year, Henry disinherited the sisters of Isabelle of Gloucester, contrary to legal custom, and betrothed John to the now extremely wealthy Isabelle.[25] In 1177, at the Council of Oxford, Henry dismissed William FitzAldelm as the Lord of Ireland and replaced him with the ten-year-old John
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Warfare in Normandy at the time was shaped by the defensive potential of castles and the increasing costs of conducting campaigns.[52] The Norman frontiers had limited natural defences but were heavily reinforced with castles, such as Château Gaillard, at strategic points, built and maintained at considerable expense.[53] It was difficult for a commander to advance far into fresh territory without having secured his lines of communication by capturing these fortifications, which slowed the progress of any attack.[54] Armies of the period could be formed from either feudal or mercenary forces.[55] Feudal levies could only be raised for a fixed length of time before they returned home, forcing an end
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campaign in Scotland in 1333, he declared himself rightful heir to the French throne in 1337,[1] starting what would become known as the Hundred Years' War. Following some initial setbacks, the war went exceptionally well for England; the victories of Crécy and Poitiers led to the highly favourable Treaty of Brétigny. Edward's later years, however, were marked by international failure and domestic strife, largely as a result of his inactivity and bad health.
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In 1325, Edward II was faced with a demand from the French king, Charles IV, to perform homage for the English Duchy of Aquitaine.[9] Edward was reluctant to leave the country, as discontent was once again brewing domestically, particularly over his relationship with the favourite Hugh Despenser the Younger.[10] Instead, he had his son Edward created Earl of Aquitaine in his place and sent him to France to perform the homag
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רואי חשבון לעסק קטן000 BC (the start of the Jōmon period) by a Mesolithic to Neolithic semi-sedentary hunter-gatherer culture, who include ancestors of both the contemporary Ainu people and Yamato people,[17][18] characterized by pit dwelling and
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e of how quickly articles about recent events appear.[15][16] Students have been assigned to write Wikipedia articles as an exercise in clearly and succinctly explaining difficult concepts to an uninitiatedAtlanta SEO
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Between 1804 and 1813, the name was used officially by Emperor Gia Long.[20] It was revived in the early 20th century by nationalists such as Phan Boi Chau, and most notably by the Viet Nam Quoc Dan Dang (Vietnamese Nationalist Party).[21] The country was usually called Annam until 1945, when Emperor Bao Dai changed the official name back to Việt Nam.[21] Since the use of Chinese characters was discontinued at this time, the alphabetic spelling of Vietnam is now official.
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Developing a plantation economy to promote the export of tobacco, indigo, tea and coffee, the French largely ignored increasing calls for Vietnamese self-government and civil rights. A nationalist political movement soon emerged, with leaders such as Phan Boi Chau, Phan Chu Trinh, Phan Dinh Phung, Emperor Hàm Nghi and Ho Chi Minh fighting or calling for independence. However, the royalist Can Vuong was defeated in the 1890s after a decade of resistance, and the 1930 Yen Bai mutiny of the Viet Nam Quoc Dan Dang was put down easily. The French maintained control of their colonies until World War II, when the war in the Pacific led to the Japanese invasion of French Indochina in 1941.
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In the same year, the Provisional French Republic sent the French Far East Expeditionary Corps – originally created to fight the Japanese occupation forces – to pacify the Vietnamese liberation movement and to restore French colonial rule. On 23 November 1946, French vessels bombarded the port city of Hai Phong, and the Viet Minh's guerrilla campaign against French forces began soon after. The resulting First Indochina War lasted until 20 July 1954.
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U.S. combat units were deployed beginning in 1965. Operations spanned international borders, with Laos and Cambodia heavily bombed. American involvement in the war peaked in 1968, at the time of the Tet Offensive. After this, U.S. ground forces were gradually withdrawn as part of a policy known as Vietnamization. Despite the Paris Peace Accords, signed by all parties in January 1973, fighting continued
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promotional tour followed the release of the album. The band performed "Sky Blue Sky" and "You Are My Face" on Later... with Jools Holland on May 25, 2007 and was interviewed on The Dermot O'Leary Show the next day.[20][24] Beginning June 13, 2007, Wilco played fourteen shows in North America with Low as its opening act. Following this, the band made plans to tour Norway, Denmark, Switzerland, the United Kingdo
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However, not all publications praised the new style of Sky Blue Sky. Stylus Magazine editor Ian Cohen criticized the album's disregard for the "fourth wall", and expressed concern about its dissimilarities to Kicking Television: Live in Chicago.[35] Ted Grant of PlayLouder called the album the "blandest and most creatively uninspired record of their career", finding that the album was leading to tame "dad-
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No consensus existed regarding the taxonomy of Psittaciformes until recently. Consequently, the placement of the Strigopoidea species has been variable in the past.[16] This superfamily is one of three superfamilies in the order Psittaciformes; the other two families are Cacatuoidea (Cockatoos) and Psittacoidea (true parrots).[17] The family is subdivided in two families, Nestoridae with two genera (Nestor and Nelepsittacus) and Strigopidae with a single genus, (Strigops). Traditionally, the species of the superfamily Strigopoidea were placed in the superfamily Psittacoidea, but several studies confirmed the unique placement of this group at the base of the parrot tree.[14][17][18][19] Most authors now recognize this group as its own taxon.[2][17][20] with two separate families: Nestoridae and Strigopidae.
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Stephen begins to dress in masculine clothes made by a tailor rather than a dress-maker. At twenty-one she falls in love with Angela Crossby, the American wife of a new neighbor. Angela uses Stephen as an "anodyne against boredom", allowing her "a few rather schoolgirlish kisses".[17] Then Stephen discovers that Angela is having an affair with a man. Fearing exposure, Angela shows a letter from Stephen to her husband, who sends a copy to Stephen's mother. Lady Anna denounces Stephen for
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