... i van ser feliços i van menjar anissos
divendres, 10 de setembre del 2010

Il·lustració: Anne Julie
Doncs, sí, tots els contes s’acaben. I el conte de l’Envolée també. Ha estat un conte de 73 capítols on hi ha hagut de tot: princeses, receptes de xocolata, viatges a llocs meravellosos, personatges entranyables que han ajudat la Fada a volar... Però sobretot hi ha hagut una colla de lectors incondicionals que han fet camí amb la Fada tot aquest temps, sense els quals tot plegat no hauria tingut tant de sentit i a qui he d’agrair la seva presència, els seus comentaris, el seu suport.
I com que normalment preferim els finals feliços, i amb la potestat que m’atorga ser la mestressa d’aquest blog, he decidit que me’n vaig amb el meu príncep blau a menjar anissos i a ser feliços per sempre més (o almenys a intentar-ho).
Gràcies a tots i a totes. Espero que aquest conte us hagi agradat.
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Publica un comentari a l'entradaOh, quin desengany. Jo que he vist el post i me n'he alegrat. Què hi farem, un altre que se'n va. Si h decideixes és que tens coses més importants a fer fora d'aquí. Que tinguis molta sort, i si mai decideixes tornar, aquí estarem esperant-te.
Cadascú sap quan s'ha acabat un cicle i si penses que és el moment de plegar sols et diré que ha estat un plaer llegir-te i que espero que els teus nous projectes siguin igual de fructífers.
Sols una petició, no esborris el bloc, que sempre hi hagi la possibilitat que algú altre et llegeixi.
Sols una petició, no esborris el bloc, que sempre hi hagi la possibilitat que algú altre et llegeixi.
Aiiiiii :(
I qui ens traurà les castanyes del foc amb un cop de vareta?
Qui ens enviarà encanteris que són capaços de fer-te passar la tristor en un tres i no res?
Bé, esperem que en el vostre castell hi tingueu muntanyes i muntanyes d'anissos!! Una abraçada ben forta i fins sempre, fadeta!
I qui ens traurà les castanyes del foc amb un cop de vareta?
Qui ens enviarà encanteris que són capaços de fer-te passar la tristor en un tres i no res?
Bé, esperem que en el vostre castell hi tingueu muntanyes i muntanyes d'anissos!! Una abraçada ben forta i fins sempre, fadeta!
Oh Fada, i això???
Aixxx.... Be, esperem que un dia ens donis una sorpresa, i tornis de nou!
Una abraçada!
Aixxx.... Be, esperem que un dia ens donis una sorpresa, i tornis de nou!
Una abraçada!
Oh!Sap greu perquè t'he conegut molt tard...que hi farem.Salut i molta sort!I sobretot a complir somnis!
bona sort, vola vent alt!
Fada, ha estat curt però intens. Que mengeu molts i molts anissos (però vigileu amb el colesterol)
si un dia tornes, ja saps on ens trobaràs.
Sigues feliç!
si un dia tornes, ja saps on ens trobaràs.
Sigues feliç!
Caram, ara ens quedem sense la Fada i la seva vareta màgica que fa encanteris...
Sigues molt i molt feliç, però no mengis molts anisos que les dents....
Una abraçada ben forta.
Sigues molt i molt feliç, però no mengis molts anisos que les dents....
Una abraçada ben forta.
ooooh!!! a pesar de saber que tens raons més que justificades i que seràs molt feliç, em fa molta peneta... ains...
Llavors mengeu molts i molts anissos i sigueu molt i molt feliços. Ja saps on ens podem seguir trobant.
Un petó gros i gràcies!!
Un petó gros i gràcies!!
Fada, fadeta...
quina tristor!!!
On aniré a trobar-te ara?
De totes maneres m'alegro molt que siguis feliç i que ho continuïs sent, i que jo ho vegi!
Saps que Sedalina estarà amb tu allà on vagis.
Ens escrivim...
Petons, guapa!
quina tristor!!!
On aniré a trobar-te ara?
De totes maneres m'alegro molt que siguis feliç i que ho continuïs sent, i que jo ho vegi!
Saps que Sedalina estarà amb tu allà on vagis.
Ens escrivim...
Petons, guapa!
Ooooh!! Jo guardaré el teu enllaç...per si de cas tornes. I si no...
Qualsevol dia ens trobarem aquí o allà... sota el rellotge de l'església ;o)
El món dona moltes voltes i mai se sap!!!
Fins llavors, sigues feliç.
Qualsevol dia ens trobarem aquí o allà... sota el rellotge de l'església ;o)
El món dona moltes voltes i mai se sap!!!
Fins llavors, sigues feliç.
Ostres! Ara que hi torno a aquest món em trobo que tu has marxat?? Bufff... això no val! Et trobarem a faltar.
Petons, fada... I que siguis molt feliç! ;)
Petons, fada... I que siguis molt feliç! ;)
Em sap molt de greu perdre't de vista, però si és per ser feliç, endavant.
Fada, maca, molts petons i molta felicitat!
Fada, maca, molts petons i molta felicitat!
Ens ha agradat moltíssim! Avian si, amb el temps, tornem a trobar-nos. Espero que tu repensis. Res és definitiu en aquesta vida. Petons.
No m'ha agradat, fada bonica. Confio en què tornis aviat i ens continuïs explicat contes i màgia de la teva... Petonets
Hola Fada, yo estoy un tanto alejada del blog, pero hoy no quería dejar de pasar, perdona por haber tardado tanto en venir, dicen que el uno de mayo si se regala muguet en francia trae suerte, asi que yo te deseo toda la suerte del mundo. Un millón de besos, espero que estés bien.
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500 years ago, Nguyen Trai praised the beauty of Hạ Long Bay in his verse Lộ nhập Vân Đồn, in which he called it "rock wonder in the sky".[8] In 1962, the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism of Vietnam listed Hạ Long Bay in the National Relics and Landscapes publication.[9] In 1994, the core zone of Hạ Long Bay was listed by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site according to criterion vii, and listed for a second time according to criterion viii.
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A particular case is the French co-prince of Andorra, a position held by the elected President of France. Nonetheless, he is still generally considered a monarch because of the traditional use of a monarchical title (even though Andorra is, strictly speaking, a diarchy.) Similarly, the Yang di-Pertuan Agong of Malaysia is considered a monarch despite only holding the office for five years at a time. On the other hand, several life-time dictators around the world have not been formally classified as monarchs, even if succeeded by their children, but that may be more to do with international political sensitivities than with semantics.
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A particular case is the French co-prince of Andorra, a position held by the elected President of France. Nonetheless, he is still generally considered a monarch because of the traditional use of a monarchical title (even though Andorra is, strictly speaking, a diarchy.) Similarly, the Yang di-Pertuan Agong of Malaysia is considered a monarch despite only holding the office for five years at a time.
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But there were two lands by the "Vlach" name - the other Wallachia, the Greek Duchy of Wallachia was in Central Greece surrounded by the Pindus mountains where the Byzantine Empire was, but outside the empire. It was located north of Athens in the 11th to 13th centuries, but they fell to the Ottoman Turks by the 1400's.
The name of "Vlachs" is an exonym that was used by Slavs to refer to all Romanized natives of the Balkans. It holds its origin from ancient Germanic - being a cognate to "Welsh" and "Walloon" -, and perhaps even further back in time, from the Roman name Volcae, which was originally a Celtic tribe. From the Slavs, it was passed on to other peoples, such as the Hungarians (Oláh) and Greeks (Vlachoi). (see: Etymology of Vlach). Wallachia, the Southern region of Romania, takes its name from the same source.
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The name cornet is derived from corne, meaning horn, itself from Latin cornus. While not musically related, instruments of the Zink family (which includes serpents) are named "cornetto- " with a tonal or pitch related Latin word following the hyphen to describe the particular variant. The 11th edition of the Encyclopædia Britannica referred to serpents as "old wooden cornets".[4] The Roman/Etruscan cornu (or simply "horn") is the lingual ancestor of these. It is a predecessor of the post horn from which the cornet evolved and was used like a bugle to signal orders on the battlefield.[3]
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Unlike the trumpet, which has a cylindrical bore up until the bell section, the tubing of the cornet has a mostly conical bore, starting very narrow at the mouthpiece and gradually widening towards the bell. Cornets following the 1913 patent of E.A. Couturier can have a continuously conical bore. The conical bore of the cornet is primarily responsible for its characteristic warm, mellow tone, which can be distinguished from the more penetrating sound of the trumpet. The conical bore of the cornet also makes it more agile than the trumpet when playing fast passages, but correct pitching is often less assured.[3] The cornet is often preferred for young beginners as it is easier to hold, with its centre of gravity much closer to the player.
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This instrument could not have been developed without the improvement of piston valves by Heinrich Stölzel and Friedrich Blühmel. In the early 19th century, these two instrument makers almost simultaneously invented the modern valves, as still used today. They jointly applied for a patent and were granted this for a period of ten years. The first notable virtuoso player was Jean-Baptiste Arban, who studied the cornet extensively and published La grande méthode complète de cornet à piston et de saxhorn, commonly referred to as the Arban method, in 1864.[2] Up until the early 20th century, the trumpet and cornet coexisted in musical ensembles. In symphonic repertoire one will often find separate parts for both trumpet and cornet. As several instrument builders made improvements to both instruments, they started to look and sound more alike. The modern day cornet is used in brass bands, concert bands, and in specific symphonic repertoire that requires a more mellow sound.[3]organic acai
Since some shoppers in certain markets show reluctance to purchase technological products through the phone or the Internet, Dell has looked into opening retail operations in some countries in Central Europe and Russia. In April 2007, Dell opened a retail store in Budapest. In October of the same year, Dell opened a retail store in Moscow. In the UK, HMV's flagship Trocadero store has sold Dell XPS PCs since December 2007. From January 2008 the UK stores of DSGi have sold Dell products (in particular, through Currys and PC World stores). As of 2008, the large supermarket-chain Tesco has sold Dell laptops and desktops in outlets throughout the UK.
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The macroeconomic policy under Finance Minister Alexei Kudrin was prudent and sound, with excess income being stored in the Stabilization Fund of Russia.[131] In 2006, Russia repaid most of its formerly massive debts,[132] leaving it with one of the lowest foreign debts among major economies.[133] The Stabilization Fund helped Russia to come out out of the global financial crisis in a much better state than many experts had expected.[131]
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International Financial Corporation regional manager for Viet Nam, Laos, Cambodia and Thailand Simon Andrews said this year had been a tough year for Viet Nam businesses as the annual business sentiment survey for the country in 2011 showed enterprise morale reaching a three-year low, dropping to much lower than the level recorded last year. Wiz Khalifa mixtapesPowerboat Courses
As is the case with the other eight U.S. states that have panhandles, the geographic meaning of the term is inexact and elastic. References to the Florida Panhandle always include the ten counties west of the Apalachicola River, a natural geographic boundary, which was the historic dividing line between the British colonies of West Florida and East Florida. These western counties also lie in the Central Time Zone, while the rest of the state is in the Eastern Time Zone. Pensacola, home of the University of West Florida, is the largest metropolitan area west of the Apalachicola (453,451 in 2007).
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Advanced Wanted mode is a variant of Wanted mode, with differences including an increased amount of NPCs on the map to make it difficult to pick out targets, and a less accurate compass. There is generally more stealth involved in this mode than in basic Wanted. The Assassinate mode is similar to Wanted, but instead of target contracts being assigned to players, all players are fair game. Players must identify other player characters and lock on before assassinating. Because two players can kill each other, whoever locks on first becomes the hunter and the other becomes the target.
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Napoleonic rule resulted in the further dissemination of the ideals of the French Revolution, including that of the nation-state, as well as the widespread adoption of the French models of administration, law, and education.[90][91][92] The Congress of Vienna, convened after Napoleon's downfall, established a new balance of power in Europe centred on the five "Great Powers": the United Kingdom, France, Prussia, Habsburg Austria, and Russia.
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By reading this book, I learned how much I need my family. I've never thought of my parents getting divorced. After I read this story, I thought that I wouldn't be able to handle it if I was Tree. I realized that there are a lot more people suffering from whatever the situation is.
By reading this book, I learned how much I need my family. I've never thought of my parents getting divorced. After I read this story, I thought that I wouldn't be able to handle it if I was Tree. I realized that there are a lot more people suffering from whatever the situation is.
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I think that this book really ended well. I enjoyed reading the book. I learned that you just have to try hard to cope with problems and that help will come unexpected. This is a great book and just learning about Tree’s life was interesting. Many people are going the same situation that he’s been going through. It’s hard at first but in the end you will feel that you can carry on.
I think that this book really ended well. I enjoyed reading the book. I learned that you just have to try hard to cope with problems and that help will come unexpected. This is a great book and just learning about Tree’s life was interesting. Many people are going the same situation that he’s been going through. It’s hard at first but in the end you will feel that you can carry on.
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Six years later, the Voyager missions vastly improved the understanding of the Galilean moons and discovered Jupiter's rings. They also confirmed that the Great Red Spot was anticyclonic. Comparison of images showed that the Red Spot had changed hue since the Pioneer missions, turning from orange to dark brown. A torus of ionized atoms was discovered along Io's orbital path, and volcanoes were found on the moon's surface, some in the process of erupting. As the spacecraft passed behind the planet, it observed flashes of lightning in the night side atmosphere.
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For nearly 200 years after Cairo was established, the administrative centre of Egypt remained in Fustat. However, in 1168 the Fatimids under the leadership of Vizier Shawar set fire to Fustat to prevent Cairo's capture by the Crusaders. Egypt's capital was permanently moved to Cairo, which was eventually expanded to include the ruins of Fustat and the previous capitals of al-Askar and al-Qatta'i. While the Fustat fire successfully protected the city of Cairo, a continuing power struggle between Shawar, King Amalric I of Jerusalem, and Zengid general Shirkuh led to the downfall of the Fatimid establishment.
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The obverse of Saint-Gaudens's final design shows a female figure of Liberty, who also represents victory. Saint-Gaudens based his design on the female figure he had designed in creating New York City's monument to General William Tecumseh Sherman,but the sculptor's ultimate inspiration was the Nike of Samothrace.The figure for the Sherman monument was modeled by Henrietta Anderson, one of the artist's favorite subjects.On the coin, Liberty holds a torch in one hand, representing enlightenment; an olive branch in the other, a symbol of peace.She strides across a rocky outcrop; behind her are the United States Capitol and the rays of the sun. The figure is surrounded by 46 stars, one for each of the states in 1907.
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Saint-Gaudens had intended a flying eagle design for the cent,[16] but developed it for the twenty-dollar piece after learning that by law, an eagle was not to appear on the cent.Saint-Gaudens's health worsened through 1906, as the cancer which would kill him forced him to have his assistant, Henry Hering, deal with many of the details of the work. Saint-Gaudens had the models for the coins made in Paris, rather than at the Mint, in order to bypass any obstruction by the Mint.It was not until December 1906 that Roosevelt was finally given coin-sized models of Saint-Gaudens's work by Hering, and Roosevelt wrote to the ailing sculptor.
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The Viridiplantae, the green plants – green algae and land plants – form a clade, a group consisting of all the descendants of a common ancestor. With a few exceptions among the green algae, all green plants have many features in common, including cell walls containing cellulose, chloroplasts containing chlorophylls a and b, and food stores in the form of starch.
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König was heavily engaged by several British battleships and suffered ten large-caliber shell hits. In October 1917, she forced the Russian pre-dreadnought battleship Slava to scuttle itself during Operation Albion. König was interned, along with the majority of the High Seas Fleet, in Scapa Flow in November 1918 following the Armistice. On 21 June 1919, Rear Admiral Ludwig von Reuter gave the order to scuttle the fleet while the British guard ships were out of the harbor on exercises. König slipped beneath the waters of Scapa Flow at 14:00. Unlike most of the other scuttled ships, König was never raised for scrapping; the wreck is still sitting on the bottom of the bay. (more...)
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König was heavily engaged by several British battleships and suffered ten large-caliber shell hits. In October 1917, she forced the Russian pre-dreadnought battleship Slava to scuttle itself during Operation Albion. König was interned, along with the majority of the High Seas Fleet, in Scapa Flow in November 1918 following the Armistice. On 21 June 1919, Rear Admiral Ludwig von Reuter gave the order to scuttle the fleet while the British guard ships were out of the harbor on exercises. König slipped beneath the waters of Scapa Flow at 14:00. Unlike most of the other scuttled ships, König was never raised for scrapping; the wreck is still sitting on the bottom of the bay. (more...)
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There are approximately five nonillion (5×1030) bacteria on Earth,[3] forming a biomass that exceeds that of all plants and animals.[4] Bacteria are vital in recycling nutrients, with many steps in nutrient cycles depending on these organisms, such as the fixation of nitrogen from the atmosphere and putrefaction.
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There are approximately five nonillion (5×1030) bacteria on Earth,[3] forming a biomass that exceeds that of all plants and animals.[4] Bacteria are vital in recycling nutrients, with many steps in nutrient cycles depending on these organisms, such as the fixation of nitrogen from the atmosphere and putrefaction.
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Flagella do not rotate at a constant speed but instead can increase or decrease their rotational speed in relation to the strength of the proton motive force. Flagellar rotation can move bacteria through liquid media at speeds of up to 60 cell lengths/second (sec).
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