diumenge, 11 d’abril del 2010

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A vegades ens hem de beure un got d'aigua perquè algú no s'hi ofegui.
Etiquetes de comentaris: món íntim, reflexions
151 Comentaris:
Mentre no se'ns en vagi per l'altre forat... :P
Petons, maca!
Petons, maca!
Això ajudarà sens dubte a aquest algú, però també hem de mirar una mica de no ennuegar-nos nosaltres.
beure aigua és molt sa! i si a més així no ens ofeguem, millor encara! ;)
Ara ja se perquè moltes dones patim de retenció de líquids! Hehe!
De debó, la frase és molt bona, i es bo que qui pugui es begui el got d'aigua, com deia aquell "avui per tu demà per mi".
Molt bo!
Molt bo!
o aprendre a nadar en un got d'aigua... ;) o fer vaixells de paper...
Totalment d'acord. Però no cal acostumar a ningú sempre a això. Després de veure la primera vegada, s'ha d'ensenyar també a nedar. Potser no hi podràs sempre per tornar a veure un got d'aigua... ;)
Tens raó.. però beure sense sed, a vegades costa, eh???
Vinga fada, que aviat vindran les orxates, si o si???
Vinga fada, que aviat vindran les orxates, si o si???
a mi aquests gots d'aigua presos així no m'acaben de sentar massa bé...
prefereixo beure aigua quan tinc set...
petons fada!
jo també espero que estiguis bé!
ànims que la primavera ja madura i caurà pel seu propi pes!
prefereixo beure aigua quan tinc set...
petons fada!
jo també espero que estiguis bé!
ànims que la primavera ja madura i caurà pel seu propi pes!
Fa que pensar aquesta frase. Està bé això de beure un got d0aigua per a algú, però millor anar-se'n junts a fer-se un parell de cervesetes, buidar el pap i de pas les penes.
Una abraçada fadeta.
Una abraçada fadeta.
Quina frase tan certa! Petó, FADA.
Moltes vegades ens hem d'empassar moltes coses!!!
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Besets, fada!
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Top of the list of ‘must do’s’ in Naples when on holiday is to visit the beaches, which are easily accessible unlike the rest of the Gulf coast areas where the best beaches are across causeways on adjacent barrier islands. Most popular beach is the municipal beach, site of the landmark Naples Pier, which is close to Third Street with its shops and boutiques, the entire section fronting the mansions of ‘Millionaire’s Row’ in Olde Naples Florida. Don’t miss stopping in one of the restaurants for dinner or drinks after a day on the beach
Top of the list of ‘must do’s’ in Naples when on holiday is to visit the beaches, which are easily accessible unlike the rest of the Gulf coast areas where the best beaches are across causeways on adjacent barrier islands. Most popular beach is the municipal beach, site of the landmark Naples Pier, which is close to Third Street with its shops and boutiques, the entire section fronting the mansions of ‘Millionaire’s Row’ in Olde Naples Florida. Don’t miss stopping in one of the restaurants for dinner or drinks after a day on the beach
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Top of the list of ‘must do’s’ in Naples when on holiday is to visit the beaches, which are easily accessible unlike the rest of the Gulf coast areas where the best beaches are across causeways on adjacent barrier islands. Most popular beach is the municipal beach, site of the landmark Naples Pier, which is close to Third Street with its shops and boutiques, the entire section fronting the mansions of ‘Millionaire’s Row’ in Olde Naples Florida. Don’t miss stopping in one of the restaurants for dinner or drinks after a day on the beach
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a mi aquests gots d'aigua presos així no m'acaben de sentar massa bé...
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ànims que la primavera ja madura i caurà pel seu propi pes!
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ànims que la primavera ja madura i caurà pel seu propi pes!
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L'autor ha eliminat aquest comentari.
Top of the list of ‘must do’s’ in Naples when on holiday is to visit the beaches, which are easily accessible unlike the rest of the Gulf coast areas where the best beaches are across causeways on adjacent barrier islands. Most popular beach is the municipal beach, site of the landmark Naples Pier, which is close to Third Street with its shops and boutiques, the entire section fronting the mansions of ‘Millionaire’s Row’ in Olde Naples Florida. Don’t miss stopping in one of the restaurants for dinner or drinks after a day on the beach
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Top of the list of ‘must do’s’ in Naples when on holiday is to visit the beaches, which are easily accessible unlike the rest of the Gulf coast areas where the best beaches are across causeways on adjacent barrier islands. Most popular beach is the municipal beach,
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I don’t think this was as much an endorsement of Rick Santorum as it was another wakeup call for Governor Romney that he needs to be more specific about why he wants to be president, beyond that he’s a successful businessman,’’ said Richard Wadhams, a former chairman of the Colorado Republican Party, who caucused for Romney.systemutviklingwohnung kaufen
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I don’t think this was as much an endorsement of Rick Santorum as it was another wakeup call for Governor Romney that he needs to be more specific about why he wants to be president, beyond that he’s a successful businessman,’’ said Richard Wadhams, a former chairman of the Colorado Republican Party, who caucused for Romney
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I don’t think this was as much an endorsement of Rick Santorum as it was another wakeup call for Governor Romney that he needs to be more specific about why he wants to be president, beyond that he’s a successful businessman,’’ said Richard Wadhams, a former chairman of the Colorado Republican Party, who caucused for Romney
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Germans had dreamed of colonial imperialism since 1848.[20] Bismark began the process, and by 1884 had acquired German New Guinea.[21] By the 1890s, German colonial expansion in Asia and the Pacific (Kiauchau in China, the Marianas, the Caroline Islands, Samoa) led to frictions with Britain, Russia, Japan and the U.S.
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The hospital was founded in 1721 by Thomas Guy (1644/45–27 December 1724), a publisher of unlicensed Bibles who had made a fortune in the South Sea Bubble. It was originally established as a hospital to treat "incurables" discharged from St Thomas' Hospital. Guy had been a Governor and benefactor of St Thomas' and his fellow Governors supported his intention by granting the south-side of St Thomas' Street for a peppercorn for 999 years. Guy is interred in the crypt of the Chapel of his foundation.
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The species is usually found in eucalyptus woodlands, or along water courses. In the more northerly parts of the country, these cockatoos are commonly seen in large flocks. They are seed eaters and cavity nesters. As such, they depend on trees with fairly large diameters, generally Eucalyptus. Populations in southeastern Australia are threatened by reduction in forest cover and other habitat alterations.
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The invasion would not be "Dorian" unless the invaders had some cultural relationship to the historical Dorians; moreover, the invasion is known to have displaced population to the later Attic-Ionic regions, who regarded themselves as descendants of the population displaced by or contending with the Dorians.
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The name Việt Nam (Vietnamese pronunciation: [vjə̀tnam]) is a variation of "Nam Việt" (南越; pinyin: Nányuè; literally Southern Việt), a name that can be traced back to the Trieu dynasty of the 2nd century BC.[16] The word Việt originated as a shortened form of Bách Việt (百越; pinyin: Bǎiyuè), a word applied to a group of peoples then living in southern China and Vietnam.[17] The form "Vietnam" (越南) is first recorded in the 16th-century oracular poem Sấm Trạng Trình.[18] The name has also been found on 12 steles carved in the 16th and 17th centuries, including one at Bao Lam Pagoda in Haiphong that was carved in 1558.
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Seputar Game Online di Indonesia
tips cara menang :
Tips dan Trick Bermain Game Online Berbayar Agar Selalu Menang Klik Disini
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